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Pine Script indikatörleri

Niteya BG Profitability

TradingView Platformu bağlantısı

Bu indikatör, gram altın, Dolar/TL ve BIST30 hisselerinin seçilen tarih aralığındaki ilk ve son fiyatları ile ner kar/zarar miktar ve yüzdesini bir tablo üzerinde gösterir.

Aşağıda gösterilen arayüz üzerinden, ilk sermaye, tarih başlangıç ve sonu değerleri ile 32 adet değer değiştirilebilir. Bitiş yılı 9999 olarak tanımlandığında en son yılı gösterir.

TradingView Platformu'nun ücretsiz sürümünde, grafik üzerinde 5.000 adet bara erişim sağlanabildiğinden, grafikte düşük zaman aralıkları seçildiğinde, bar erişim sınırlamaları nedeniyle, geriye dönük bar sınırı dışında kalan zamanlar işleme dahil edilmez.

Örneğin, grafik 1 günlük zaman aralığında iken tarih aralığını 01.01.2024-15.08.2024 seçtiğinizde, indikatörün sonuç tablosunun başlığındaki tarih aralığı ile fareyi herhangi bir değerin üzerine getirdiğinizde gösterilen tarih aralığı aynı olacaktır. Grafik zaman aralığını 5 dakika olarak seçtiğinizde ise, değer tarih aralığı farklı olacaktır. Değer üzerindeki tarih aralığı işlem yapılan tarih aralığını gösterecektir.

Aşağıda işlemi gerçekleştiren indikatörün kodları yer almaktadır:

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Niteya
// This indicator is provided for educational purposes only. Do not use it in your investment decisions.
indicator(title="Niteya Profitability Indicator", shorttitle='Niteya Profitability', overlay=true)

// Period
var period_opr = "period_opr"
StartDay = input(1, 'Starting day', group=period_opr)
StartMonth = input(1, 'Starting month', group=period_opr)
StartYear = input(2021, 'Starting year', group=period_opr)
PeriodStart = timestamp(StartYear, StartMonth, StartDay, 0, 0)

StopDay = input(31, 'End day', group=period_opr)
StopMonth = input(12, 'End month', group=period_opr)
StopYear = input(9999, 'End year', group=period_opr)
PeriodStop = timestamp(StopYear, StopMonth, StopDay, 0, 0)

table_pos = input.string(title='Table position', defval='Left', options=['Left', 'Center', 'Right']) 

ticker1 = input.string("XAUTRYG", "Ticker1")
ticker2 = input.string("USDTRY", "Ticker2")
ticker3 = input.string("BIST_DLY:AKBNK", "Ticker3")
ticker4 = input.string("BIST_DLY:ALARK", "Ticker4")
ticker5 = input.string("BIST_DLY:ASELS", "Ticker5")
ticker6 = input.string("BIST_DLY:ASTOR", "Ticker6")
ticker7 = input.string("BIST_DLY:BIMAS", "Ticker7")
ticker8 = input.string("BIST_DLY:BRSAN", "Ticker8")
ticker9 = input.string("BIST_DLY:DOAS", "Ticker9")
ticker10 = input.string("BIST_DLY:EKGYO", "Ticker10")
ticker11 = input.string("BIST_DLY:ENKAI", "Ticker11")
ticker12 = input.string("BIST_DLY:EREGL", "Ticker12")
ticker13 = input.string("BIST_DLY:FROTO", "Ticker13")
ticker14 = input.string("BIST_DLY:GARAN", "Ticker14")
ticker15 = input.string("BIST_DLY:GUBRF", "Ticker15")
ticker16 = input.string("BIST_DLY:HEKTS", "Ticker16")
ticker17 = input.string("BIST_DLY:ISCTR", "Ticker17")
ticker18 = input.string("BIST_DLY:KCHOL", "Ticker18")
ticker19 = input.string("BIST_DLY:KONTR", "Ticker19")
ticker20 = input.string("BIST_DLY:KOZAL", "Ticker20")
ticker21 = input.string("BIST_DLY:KRDMD", "Ticker21")
ticker22 = input.string("BIST_DLY:OYAKC", "Ticker22")
ticker23 = input.string("BIST_DLY:PETKM", "Ticker23")
ticker24 = input.string("BIST_DLY:PGSUS", "Ticker24")
ticker25 = input.string("BIST_DLY:SAHOL", "Ticker25")
ticker26 = input.string("BIST_DLY:SASA", "Ticker26")
ticker27 = input.string("BIST_DLY:SISE", "Ticker27")
ticker28 = input.string("BIST_DLY:TCELL", "Ticker28")
ticker29 = input.string("BIST_DLY:THYAO", "Ticker29")
ticker30 = input.string("BIST_DLY:TOASO", "Ticker30")
ticker31 = input.string("BIST_DLY:TUPRS", "Ticker31")
ticker32 = input.string("BIST_DLY:YKBNK", "Ticker32")

var time_value = array.new_string(32, ' ')

var close_b = array.new_float(32, na)
var close_e = array.new_float(32, na)
var pStart = array.new_int(32, 0)
var pStop = array.new_int(32, 0)

calcs(ticker_index, close_g, bar_index_g) =>

    int PeriodS1 = 0
    int PeriodS2 = 0

    if bar_index_g>0 and array.get(time_value, ticker_index)==' ' 
        if time[1] >= PeriodStart
            PeriodS1 := timestamp(year(time[1]), month(time[1]), dayofmonth(time[1]), 0, 0)
            if time[1] <= PeriodStop
                array.set(pStart, ticker_index, PeriodS1)
            PeriodS1 := timestamp(year(PeriodStart), month(PeriodStart), dayofmonth(PeriodStart), 0, 0)
            array.set(pStart, ticker_index, PeriodS1)

        if last_bar_time <= PeriodStop
            PeriodS2 := timestamp(year(last_bar_time), month(last_bar_time), dayofmonth(last_bar_time), 0, 0)
            array.set(pStop, ticker_index, PeriodS2)
            if array.get(pStart, ticker_index)!=0
                PeriodS2 := timestamp(year(PeriodStop), month(PeriodStop), dayofmonth(PeriodStop), 0, 0)
                array.set(pStop, ticker_index, PeriodS2)
                PeriodS2 := timestamp(year(last_bar_time), month(last_bar_time), dayofmonth(last_bar_time), 0, 0)

        array.set(time_value, ticker_index, str.tostring(dayofmonth(PeriodS1), "00") + '.' + str.tostring(month(PeriodS1), "00") + '.' + str.tostring(year(PeriodS1)) + ' - ' + 
         str.tostring(dayofmonth(PeriodS2), "00") + '.' + str.tostring(month(PeriodS2), "00") + '.' + str.tostring(year(PeriodS2)))       

    if array.get(pStart, ticker_index)>0 and time >= array.get(pStart, ticker_index) and na(array.get(close_b, ticker_index))
        array.set(close_b, ticker_index, close_g)

    if array.get(pStop, ticker_index)>0 and time >= array.get(pStop, ticker_index) and na(array.get(close_e, ticker_index))
        array.set(close_e, ticker_index, close_g)

set_table_cell(table_name, col_index, row_index) =>

    array_index = (col_index==1 ? row_index : row_index+16) - 1

    table.cell(table_name, col_index, row_index, text=str.tostring(array.get(close_b, array_index-1), '0.00'), text_halign=text.align_right, tooltip='First price')
    table.cell(table_name, col_index+1, row_index, text=str.tostring(array.get(close_e, array_index-1), '0.00'), text_halign=text.align_right, tooltip='Close price')

    close_bs = array.get(close_b, array_index-1)

    if not na(close_bs)
        close_es = array.get(close_e, array_index-1)    
        np = (close_es-close_bs)*(1000.00/close_bs)

        text_color_kar = np>0 ? color.green : color.red

        table.cell(table_name, col_index+2, row_index, text=str.tostring(np, '0.00'), text_halign=text.align_right, text_color=text_color_kar, tooltip=str.tostring(close_bs, '0.00') + ' - ' + str.tostring(close_es, '0.00') + ' - ' + str.tostring((100*np)/1000.00, '0.00') + ' - ' + str.tostring(np, '0.00') + ' - ' + str.tostring(close_es/close_bs, '0.00') + ' times')
        table.cell(table_name, col_index+3, row_index, text=str.tostring((100*np)/1000.00, '0.00'), text_halign=text.align_right, text_color=text_color_kar, tooltip=str.tostring(close_bs, '0.00') + ' - ' + str.tostring(close_es, '0.00') + ' - ' + str.tostring((100*np)/1000.00, '0.00') + ' - ' + str.tostring(np, '0.00') + ' - ' + str.tostring(close_es/close_bs, '0.00') + ' times')

get_vals() =>
    [close, bar_index]

[close_g1, bar_index_g1] = request.security(ticker1, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g2, bar_index_g2] = request.security(ticker2, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g3, bar_index_g3] = request.security(ticker3, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g4, bar_index_g4] = request.security(ticker4, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g5, bar_index_g5] = request.security(ticker5, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g6, bar_index_g6] = request.security(ticker6, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g7, bar_index_g7] = request.security(ticker7, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g8, bar_index_g8] = request.security(ticker8, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g9, bar_index_g9] = request.security(ticker9, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g10, bar_index_g10] = request.security(ticker10, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g11, bar_index_g11] = request.security(ticker11, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g12, bar_index_g12] = request.security(ticker12, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g13, bar_index_g13] = request.security(ticker13, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g14, bar_index_g14] = request.security(ticker14, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g15, bar_index_g15] = request.security(ticker15, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g16, bar_index_g16] = request.security(ticker16, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g17, bar_index_g17] = request.security(ticker17, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g18, bar_index_g18] = request.security(ticker18, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g19, bar_index_g19] = request.security(ticker19, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g20, bar_index_g20] = request.security(ticker20, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g21, bar_index_g21] = request.security(ticker21, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g22, bar_index_g22] = request.security(ticker22, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g23, bar_index_g23] = request.security(ticker23, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g24, bar_index_g24] = request.security(ticker24, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g25, bar_index_g25] = request.security(ticker25, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g26, bar_index_g26] = request.security(ticker26, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g27, bar_index_g27] = request.security(ticker27, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g28, bar_index_g28] = request.security(ticker28, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g29, bar_index_g29] = request.security(ticker29, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g30, bar_index_g30] = request.security(ticker30, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g31, bar_index_g31] = request.security(ticker31, timeframe.period, get_vals())
[close_g32, bar_index_g32] = request.security(ticker32, timeframe.period, get_vals())

calcs(0, close_g1, bar_index_g1) 
calcs(1, close_g2, bar_index_g2)
calcs(2, close_g3, bar_index_g3)
calcs(3, close_g4, bar_index_g4)
calcs(4, close_g5, bar_index_g5)
calcs(5, close_g6, bar_index_g6)
calcs(6, close_g7, bar_index_g7)
calcs(7, close_g8, bar_index_g8)
calcs(8, close_g9, bar_index_g9)
calcs(9, close_g10, bar_index_g10)
calcs(10, close_g11, bar_index_g11)
calcs(11, close_g12, bar_index_g12)
calcs(12, close_g13, bar_index_g13)
calcs(13, close_g14, bar_index_g14)
calcs(14, close_g15, bar_index_g15)
calcs(15, close_g16, bar_index_g16)
calcs(16, close_g17, bar_index_g17)
calcs(17, close_g18, bar_index_g18)
calcs(18, close_g19, bar_index_g19)
calcs(19, close_g20, bar_index_g20)
calcs(20, close_g21, bar_index_g21)
calcs(21, close_g22, bar_index_g22)
calcs(22, close_g23, bar_index_g23)
calcs(23, close_g24, bar_index_g24)
calcs(24, close_g25, bar_index_g25)
calcs(25, close_g26, bar_index_g26)
calcs(26, close_g27, bar_index_g27)
calcs(27, close_g28, bar_index_g28)
calcs(28, close_g29, bar_index_g29)
calcs(29, close_g30, bar_index_g30)
calcs(30, close_g31, bar_index_g31)
calcs(31, close_g32, bar_index_g32)

if barstate.islast

    int col_value = 0 
    string time_str = ''
    period = timeframe.period
    int PeriodG2 = 0

    tr = syminfo.currency=='TRY'

    if time <= PeriodStop
        PeriodG2 := timestamp(year(time), month(time), dayofmonth(time), 0, 0)
        PeriodG2 := timestamp(year(PeriodStop), month(PeriodStop), dayofmonth(PeriodStop), 0, 0)    

        period=="1" => time_str := '1 ' + (tr ? 'dakika' : 'minute')
        period=="3" => time_str := '3 ' + (tr ? 'dakika' : 'minute')
        period=="5" => time_str := '5 ' + (tr ? 'dakika' : 'minute')
        period=="15" => time_str := '15 ' + (tr ? 'dakika' : 'minute')
        period=="30" => time_str := '30 ' + (tr ? 'dakika' : 'minute')
        period=="45" => time_str := '45 ' + (tr ? 'dakika' : 'minute')
        period=="60" => time_str := '1 ' + (tr ? 'saat' : 'hour')
        period=="120" => time_str := '2 ' + (tr ? 'saat' : 'hour')
        period=="180" => time_str := '3 ' + (tr ? 'saat' : 'hour')
        period=="240" => time_str := '4 ' + (tr ? 'saat' : 'hour')
        str.pos(period, "D")>=0 => time_str := '1 ' + (tr ? 'gün' : 'day')
        str.pos(period, "W")>=0 => time_str := '1 ' + (tr ? 'hafta' : 'week')
        str.pos(period, "M")>=0 => time_str := '1 ' + (tr ? 'ay' : 'month')
    var table m_table = table.new((table_pos=='Left') ? position.middle_left : (table_pos=='Center') ? position.middle_center : position.middle_right, columns=10, rows=18, bgcolor=color.new(#E0E0E0, 0), border_width=1, border_color=color.white)
	table.merge_cells(m_table, 0, 0, 9, 0)

    ind_inputs = 'Niteya ' + (tr ? 'karlılık' : 'profitability')
	table.cell(m_table, 0, 1, tr ? 'Değer' : 'Ticker', text_color=color.white, bgcolor=color.new(#426bb7, 0), tooltip=tr? 'Değer kodu' : 'Ticker code')
    table.cell(m_table, 1, 1, tr ? 'İlk fiyat' : 'First price', text_color=color.white, bgcolor=#8b1390, tooltip=tr ? 'İlk fiyat' : 'First price')
	table.cell(m_table, 2, 1, tr ? 'Son fiyat' : 'Last price', text_color=color.white, bgcolor=color.new(#277029, 0), tooltip=tr ? 'Son fiyat' : 'Last price')
	table.cell(m_table, 3, 1, tr ? 'Net kar' : 'Net profit', text_color=color.white, bgcolor=color.new(color.olive, 0), tooltip=tr ? 'Net kar' : 'Net profit')
	table.cell(m_table, 4, 1, (tr ? 'Net kar' : 'Net profit') + ' (%)', text_color=color.white, bgcolor=color.new(color.olive, 0), tooltip=(tr ? 'Net kar' : 'Net profit') + ' (%)')     
	table.cell(m_table, 5, 1, tr ? 'Değer' : 'Ticker', text_color=color.white, bgcolor=color.new(#426bb7, 0), tooltip=tr? 'Değer kodu' : 'Ticker code')
    table.cell(m_table, 6, 1, tr ? 'İlk fiyat' : 'First price', text_color=color.white, bgcolor=#8b1390, tooltip=tr ? 'İlk fiyat' : 'First price')
	table.cell(m_table, 7, 1, tr ? 'Son fiyat' : 'Last price', text_color=color.white, bgcolor=color.new(#277029, 0), tooltip=tr ? 'Son fiyat' : 'Last price')
	table.cell(m_table, 8, 1, tr ? 'Net kar' : 'Net profit', text_color=color.white, bgcolor=color.new(color.olive, 0), tooltip=tr ? 'Net kar' : 'Net profit')
	table.cell(m_table, 9, 1, (tr ? 'Net kar' : 'Net profit') + ' (%)', text_color=color.white, bgcolor=color.new(color.olive, 0), tooltip=(tr ? 'Net kar' : 'Net profit') + ' (%)')     

	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 2, str.substring(ticker1, str.pos(ticker1, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 0) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g1, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 3, str.substring(ticker2, str.pos(ticker2, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 1) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g2, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 4, str.substring(ticker3, str.pos(ticker3, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 2) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g3, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 5, str.substring(ticker4, str.pos(ticker4, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 3) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g4, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 6, str.substring(ticker5, str.pos(ticker5, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 4) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g5, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 7, str.substring(ticker6, str.pos(ticker6, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 5) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g6, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 8, str.substring(ticker7, str.pos(ticker7, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 6) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g7, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 9, str.substring(ticker8, str.pos(ticker8, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 7) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g8, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 10, str.substring(ticker9, str.pos(ticker9, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 8) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g9, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 11, str.substring(ticker10, str.pos(ticker10, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 9) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g10, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 12, str.substring(ticker11, str.pos(ticker11, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 10) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g11, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 13, str.substring(ticker12, str.pos(ticker12, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 11) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g12, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 14, str.substring(ticker13, str.pos(ticker13, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 12) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g13, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 15, str.substring(ticker14, str.pos(ticker14, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 13) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g14, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 16, str.substring(ticker15, str.pos(ticker15, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 14) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g15, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 17, str.substring(ticker16, str.pos(ticker16, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 15) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g16, '0.00'))

	col_value := col_value + 5

    table.cell(m_table, col_value, 2, str.substring(ticker17, str.pos(ticker17, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 16) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g17, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 3, str.substring(ticker18, str.pos(ticker18, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 17) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g18, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 4, str.substring(ticker19, str.pos(ticker19, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 18) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g19, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 5, str.substring(ticker20, str.pos(ticker20, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 19) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g20, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 6, str.substring(ticker21, str.pos(ticker21, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 20) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g21, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 7, str.substring(ticker22, str.pos(ticker22, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 21) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g22, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 8, str.substring(ticker23, str.pos(ticker23, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 22) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g23, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 9, str.substring(ticker24, str.pos(ticker24, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 23) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g24, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 10, str.substring(ticker25, str.pos(ticker25, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 24) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g25, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 11, str.substring(ticker26, str.pos(ticker26, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 25) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g26, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 12, str.substring(ticker27, str.pos(ticker27, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 26) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g27, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 13, str.substring(ticker28, str.pos(ticker28, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 27) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g28, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 14, str.substring(ticker29, str.pos(ticker29, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 28) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g29, '0.00'))
	table.cell(m_table, col_value, 15, str.substring(ticker30, str.pos(ticker30, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 29) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g30, '0.00'))
    table.cell(m_table, col_value, 16, str.substring(ticker31, str.pos(ticker31, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 30) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g31, '0.00'))
    table.cell(m_table, col_value, 17, str.substring(ticker32, str.pos(ticker32, ":")+1), text_halign=text.align_left, tooltip=array.get(time_value, 31) + ' - '  + str.tostring(close_g32, '0.00'))

    col_value := 1 
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 2)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 3)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 4)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 5)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 6)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 7)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 8)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 9)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 10)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 11)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 12)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 13)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 14)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 15)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 16)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 17)

    col_value := col_value + 5 

    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 2)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 3)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 4)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 5)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 6)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 7)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 8)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 9)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 10)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 11)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 12)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 13)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 14)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 15)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 16)
    set_table_cell(m_table, col_value, 17)
    table.cell(m_table, 0, 0, text=ind_inputs + ' - ' +  (tr ? 'Periyot' : 'Period') + ': ' + str.tostring(dayofmonth(PeriodStart), "00") + '.' + str.tostring(month(PeriodStart), "00") + '.' + str.tostring(year(PeriodStart)) + ' - ' + 
     str.tostring(dayofmonth(PeriodG2), "00") + '.' + str.tostring(month(PeriodG2), "00") + '.' + str.tostring(year(PeriodG2)) + 
     ' - ' + str.tostring(time_str), text_color=color.white, bgcolor=color.rgb(48, 29, 0))

Aşağıdaki grafikte indikatörün uygulaması yer almaktadır: